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Members of the Metacomm team have published a number of books based on their original research and consulting experiences. Check out the possibilities below and learn how to order.

Recent Work

"Decision Downloading"

An Analysis of How Leaders Communicate Their Decisions

"Are you a Progress Maker?"

Progress makers envision the future with calculated boldness

Leading with Care Book Cover.png

Leading with Care in a Tough World

Author:  Phillip G. Clampitt, Bob DeKoch

We believe that in a tough world we need better leaders who can both care about others and make progress on challenging issues. There are books (and leaders) who care. There are books (and leaders) who can make progress. But few leaders skillfully promote progress while demonstrating care for others. So, we hope to spur on that conversation, transcending that tension to collaboratively accomplish things few thought possible.

Social Media Strategy: Tools for Professionals and Organizations

Author:  Phillip G. Clampitt

​Posting, tweeting and messaging on social media platforms is easy and entertaining. Doing so in a way to achieve important professional and organizational goals is hard and challenging. What’s the best way to master this challenge? In a word, strategy. Social Media Strategy: Tools for Professional and Organizations guides you through the strategy-making process while revolutionizing your thinking about social media.

Transforming Leaders into Progress Makers: Leadership for the 21st Century

Authors:  Phillip G. Clampitt, Robert J. DeKoch

By weaving together original research, novel strategies and tactics, and stories of successful leaders, this book provides insight into how to become a progress-making leader. Written by a professor and a business executive, the book provides actionable ideas grounded in sound research and tested in real organizations.

Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness: Problems | Strategies | Solutions

Author: Phillip G. Clampitt

Presenting managerial communication as a strategic, value-adding aspect of every organization, Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness, provides students, executives, and managers with actionable strategies that address vital communication challenges


Embracing Uncertainty: The Essence of Leadership

Authors:  Phillip G. Clampitt, Robert J. DeKoch

This book offers a radically different approach from the clever, but overly simplistic and frequently misleading formulas for success offered by most self-help business literature. The authors believe that in today’s turbulent competitive environment it is necessary to embrace uncertainty and set more realistic expectations, while creating greater flexibility to adapt to ever-changing situations.


Assessing Organizational Communication: Strategic Communication Audits

Authors: Cal W. Downs Phd, Allyson D. Adrian PhD

This essential guide offers a detailed framework for assessing communication processes within an organization and using the results to develop improved organizational strategies. Presented in clear, accessible prose are the “tools of the trade” for planning and initiating audits, gathering data using a wide variety of methodologies, analyzing the findings, and preparing effective reports.


Auditing Organizational Communication: A Handbook of Research, Theory and Practice

Authors: Cal W. Downs Phd, Allyson D. Adrian PhD

Auditing Organizational Communication is a thoroughly revised and updated new edition of the successful Handbook of Communication Audits for Organizations, which has established itself as a core text in the field of organizational communication.


Accogliere l’incertezza. L’essenza della leadership (Italian)

Authors:  Phillip G. Clampitt, Robert J. DeKoch

L’incertezza è parte della nostra quotidianità pubblica e privata. Riconoscerla e accoglierla è garanzia di successo. Il leader è colui che in situazioni critiche riesce a cogliere il giusto atteggiamento mentale ed è in grado di guidare se stesso e gli altri al confronto con la realtà delle cose con ottimismo e rinnovate energie. Questo libro intende rappresentare un viaggio alla scoperta di sé e delle proprie organizzazioni, un percorso che mette in discussione molte convinzioni e genera nuove prospettive.


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