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Special Projects


Our Commitment

We have special expertise in the following areas

literally means “communicating on a higher level.”

  • Create strategic plans and mission statements

  • Craft decision-making rules for executive teams

  • “Roll out” or “download” major organizational initiatives (e.g. new union contracts, restructuring, business strategy, health care plans)

  • Assess the effectiveness of current communication initiatives (Do employees understand and “buy into” the business strategy?)

  • Educate employees about the business and industry (Can employees identify the business drivers? Do employees recognize the role they play in achieving business objectives?)

  • Improve working relationships between functional units or departments

  • Enhance the communication skills of key communicators (e.g. ghostwrite critical communications, coach executives on major speeches)

  • Coach leaders on how to transform their organizational culture

  • Advise and counsel leaders on how to manage media relations


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